Stable-Stuff – natürliches & gesundes Pferdewissen

Bring your horse back into balance

Support your horse to reduce fears, develop more courage and overcome behavioral problems through more calm and trust.

The simple and natural way with Bach flowers for horses

Herzensklang der Pferde e Book Cover Landingpage - Bachblüten für Pferde

Did you know

that behavioral problems and physical complaints are often problems of mental balance in horses

Body and mind are closely connected and constantly influence each other.

This means that even if everything is right - from feeding to husbandry - problems can still arise if your horse is internally unbalanced. 

Mental imbalance is very stressful for our horses (and also for us). A harmonious coexistence is then often difficult or difficult to achieve.

Especially if your horse:

  • has survived a serious illness or had a shock or accident
  • lost trust in people early on
  • is aggressive towards herd members or even humans
  • is very scary without having a reason
  • is very clingy and has a fear of loss

What if you could help your horse overcome these “problems”? Finding your inner balance and taking new paths with more courage and trust!

With Bach flowers you can naturally bring the horse's soul back into harmony and balance


Bachblüten Pferd

Bach flower therapy is a gentle, natural and effective method that can be easily integrated into everyday life. It helps horses to process stress and get behavioral problems under control - so nothing stands in the way of a harmonious relationship between you and your horse.

We have already experienced extremely impressive successes with this therapy. Cases that initially seemed hopeless suddenly developed positively because the horses learned to heal old wounds and approach new situations in a more relaxed manner.

They no longer blocked themselves, could be themselves again and enjoyed life again - and not only they, their owners were thrilled too!

Even with extremely anxious or super dominant horses, the Bach flowers often worked wonders, and these animals were finally able to lead a more relaxed life.

Now you might be thinking, “That’s no use!”

Yes, you won't really understand it until you try it yourself. At first everyone is skeptical, but everyone who has tried it loves it! 

We would like to pass on this knowledge to you so that you can try it out on your horse and then say for yourself: “Yes, it does make a difference!” 

You can't lose anything, you can only win!

So that your horse can feel comfortable again


Pferd rennt über Koppel, Ängste überwinden - Bachblüten für Pferde

Overcome fears

Does your horse get scared easily and for no reason at the smallest things? It's been a long time since I thought about a relaxing ride!

Bach flowers help horses in a gentle way so that your horse can calm down and become more relaxed. 

For more inner peace and serenity!

Process shock

Has your horse experienced a lot of bad things? Or has it had an accident or a serious illness?

Bach flowers help horses process such trauma more quickly and get over it.

For more joy in life and looking forward!

trauriges Auge von einem Pferd, Pferd Schock verarbeiten, Bachblüten für Pferde
Mutiges weißes Pferd auf einer Weide, Bachblüten für Pferde

Gain courage and self-confidence

If your horse has low self-confidence, it makes life very difficult for him. Your horse is an outsider in the herd and is constantly chased away by others. 

Bach flowers can give your horse back the courage he has lost so that he can believe in himself more.

For more self-confidence and courage!

Get aggression under control

Horses are herd animals, some people don't like that at all and they just want to be left alone. They show this clearly by flattening their ears, biting or kicking. And not just in the herd, but also with you!

Bach flowers help your horse become friendlier and more open-minded.

For more harmony and satisfaction!

aggressives Pferd mit angelegten Ohren rennt auf der Wiese, Bachblüten für Pferde

Would you like to help your horse relax? Then get our eBook “Heart Sound of Horses” now

Instead of 49€ only 24,50€

+ 2 brilliant gifts

Heart sound of the horses
Bach flowers for that
emotional well-being for
you and your horse

Discover the gentle power of Bach flowers for horses and how they can help your horse find emotional balance and well-being. Our e-book "Heart sound of the horses" is your ultimate guide to optimally using the natural healing power of Bach flowers for your horse.

🌸 Detailed flower portraits: Find out everything about the 38 Bach flowers and their specific uses. Whether fear, stress, restlessness or aggression - find the right flower for every challenge.

🌸 Practical application tips: How do you use Bach flowers correctly? We'll show you how to dose and administer the drops correctly to achieve the best possible effect.

🌸 Case studies and recommendations: Receive valuable tips and proven combinations for typical challenges in everyday horse life, such as tournament stress, changing stables or health problems.

🌸 Connection of the Bach flowers with the chakras and meridians: Which Bach flower is the right one?

When Bach flowers no longer help


In order to achieve real success, you must consider the following: There are limits, if the husbandry and feeding are not right, success will not be achieved. If your horse constantly has hoof problems, such as thrush, but is constantly standing in the mud, even the best remedies won't help! In this case, no Bach flowers either!

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0€ Grüne Magie
🚀 So machst du deine eigenen gesunden Tinkturen, Sirupe und Pflegeprodukte!
